Thinking about thinking
By Dr. Lucio F.
Teoxon Jr.
The French are well known for their love of thinking,
although they have no monopoly of this. They are prone to quarrel, too, over
ideas as the bone of contention. It was Pascal, the French mathematician and
religious philosopher, who said that man is but a reed, the weakest in nature,
but that he is a thinking reed. Voltaire, the laughing philosopher, held that
liberty of thought is the life of the soul. Descartes, went even further and
ascribed man’s essence to the very fact that he thinks. He asserted: I think,
therefore I am (Cogito, ergo sum). It
is thus upon the activity of thought that man’s whole existence is anchored.
American transcendentalists also put a premium on thinking. Thoreau said that
what a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather, indicates
his fate. Emerson said that living is what a man thinks about all day. He further
maintained that thoughts rule the world. Proverbs 23:7 of the Old Testament,
KJV, states that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Put another way, man
is what he thinks; he becomes that which he thinks. Similarly, the Dhammapada,
a Buddhist scripture, declares by way of introduction, thus: We are what we
think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the
this is evidently true and we can multiply authoritative statements to support
this truth. But we all have learned to take this for granted or else have
forgotten it. There is no denying that man’s superiority to the other species
in the animal kingdom lies in his ability to think, or to know, and to know
that he knows. In fact the scientific name, Homo
sapiens, which is appended to him, characterizes him chiefly for his
intelligence and wisdom.
evolution has been largely propelled by the unique power to weave ideas.
Needless to say, the progress of human culture and civilization as we know them
today could not have been possible if not for the force of thought. It enabled
us to traverse outer space or dive into the world of the infinitely small. Specifically,
such unprecedented achievements like the landing on the moon or the splitting
of the atom or the cracking of the code of life (the DNA) are marvelous
breakthroughs that can only be achieved by thinking beings.
such a contemporary electronic gadget like the computer. As it evolves across
time, the technicians and programmers are bent on making it increasingly
powerful in terms of capabilities and speed so that its uses are almost
limitless. You can do practically anything even with such a small modern marvel
like the laptop—word processing, page design, making calculation, drawing, playing
games, listening to music, viewing a movie, instant messaging like chatting, or
talking to somebody across the continents in full view and in real time—you
name it!
as Hamlet soliloquized, what a piece of work is a man! We have not even
mentioned yet other man-made wonders like the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Great
Wall of China, or such a World Heritage Site like our Banaue Rice Terraces. If
the imposing cathedrals in Europe could not take your breath away, I don’t know
what can. Your heart of course cannot but be touched by the melodies of Mozart,
Chopin, Schubert, or Wagner? Or stirred to tears by the tragedies of Sophocles
or Aeschylus? Or amused by the comedies of Aristophanes or Moliere? Or deeply
impressed by the thought systems of Plato and Aristotle, Hegel and Kant,
Heidegger and Sartre, Shankara and Sri Aurobindo? Or transported on cloud nine
with lines from Yeats, Neruda, Rumi, Tagore and Pasternak? All these and more
are monuments to man’s genius thanks to his thinking ability.
It is
no wonder that then and now schools, colleges and universities are all
committed to fostering right thinking as an all-important skill in academic
training. All academicians worship at the shrine of the cerebral faculty as a
tool in the ascent of man. In the repertoire of competencies, critical thinking
is at the top of the list. That is as it should be if we are to carry forward
our much vaunted technological advancement and progress which can even
overwhelm us now with the knowledge explosion.
all the paeans accorded to thought, there is nevertheless a downside to it. At
first blush this assertion sounds preposterous. To even hint at it goes against
the grain. Taking issue on thinking or thought as such is a Herculean effort;
and only one who has spent a lifetime delving into its nature and with a
consummate desire to make sense of our human problems will undertake such an
apparently nonsensical attempt. To begin with, it is not hard to concede that
had our thinking not been quite sloppy sometimes, many of our costly human
errors could have been avoided.
Here, then, in a cursory way is the gist of
the teaching on the limitations of thought and its debit side. Thinking and
thought as understood here are more or less the same, but in a finer
distinction thinking is taken to mean as the active process while thought
denotes the end product. Broadly, however, both may refer to the process of
mental activity or even to the faculty of mentation itself.
Thought is the response of memory. It works
very much like a PC disk which stores data that is given a filename for later
For example, when asked a question, the brain
searches the files in its memory for the pertinent data recorded on it. If the
information was registered there, it is automatically drawn as the answer. The
brain is the storehouse of the individual’s memory—his experiences, knowledge,
remembrances, images, feelings, conditionings, his entire background.
Evidently, no thinking operation is possible at all without memory.
Now, understanding the distorting factor of
memory-based thought in our perception is of supreme importance. We never
really doubt that we see the tree out there. But in all likelihood we don’t. Why?
Because something stands between us and the tree, which we do not notice, and
that is our prior knowledge, our impression of the tree. When we look at the tree
it is our image of the tree that screens us from it, that is, from its stark reality.
To think of the tree, which entails having a name or image of it, already puts
us in the stream of time, in the grip of the past. To suppose that we are
seeing the tree just as it is is therefore an illusion.
This is so because there is a time lag
between the moment of vision, of actually seeing the tree as it is, and the
arising of the thought that we have seen the tree. Thinking or thought is
always of the past. Pure seeing, clear perception that is, is timeless, beyond
thought, beyond time. The minute we think of the tree as magnificent and name
it, we have already lost contact with it. The whole operation is extremely
subtle in the same way that we do not notice the opening of a rosebud until a
time-lapse photography reveals the whole movement to us. What we must do is
learn how to see without the
interference of thought, or to look with absolute clarity.
Obviously, thinking in its ordinary
functioning is necessary in the practical activities of daily life. Otherwise
we cannot drive a car and find our way back home. Nor can we engage in creative
pursuits nor conduct laboratory experiments. In this sphere of human
endeavours, thought is imperative as we have charted earlier on.
Thought or the thought process, however, can
prove to be fatal in the psychological realm.
Individuals, for instance, do not relate to
another as a friend, a wife or a husband in a real way. There is self-deception
involved albeit unnoticed. In fact it is the impression, whether positive or
negative, that one has of the person which separates him or her from the other.
So, no true contact or communion of the actual persons concerned exists as it
becomes an affair of images or between images. When I keep on regarding you as
a renegade because of a previous betrayal of trust, I do you wrong because deep
within you have already undergone a sea change of character. So, I should not
look at you with the eyes of the past, with the burden of the past. I should
meet you now, in the present fact of your renewal.
Hence, to understand the origin and structure
of thought being rooted in memory as time requires our utmost attention and
observation. It is the awareness of the operation of the entire thought process
that contains the seed of our liberation from its clutches. Thought is always
old and never free, contrary to Voltaire’s pronouncement. The expression
“liberty or freedom of thought” is thus a contradiction in terms.
The great modern sage Krishnamurti, who for
more than sixty years expounded on this matter, put it pointedly: “To live with
thought is like living in a room with a snake.” Thought is that dangerous
snake. It is awareness or being totally watchful of its movement, of its whole
activity that holds the key to the door to freedom.
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